Keaton used her feminine wiles to lure each of her attackers to their deaths. The original was much more believable in that Ms. A remake of the controversial 1979 cult classic, I Spit on Your Grave retells the horrific tale of writer Jennifer Hills, who takes a retreat from the city to a charming cabin in the woods to. But once again, if she doesn’t come back as she did there would be no movie. And very ingeniously as well but once again i have to ask “How was she able to do what she did considering the condition she was in the last time we saw her on the screen”? It just isn’t possible. Jennifer dispatches each one of them in a way they degraded her. His wife not knowing that he is a degenerate makes the scenes the family have together that much more tragic. I believe it was to contrast the fact that the sheriff is married with a young daughter & another child on the way to a lovely woman who obviously loves him dearly. Except for the sheriff’s rape scene which was on the screen a little too long to my liking. But Jennifer's presence in the small town attracts the attention of a few morally depraved locals who set out one night to teach this city girl a lesson.
2010 movie i spit on your grave movie#
The rape scenes, while graphic, cut away on occasion. Movie Groups I Spit on Your Grave Synopsis Writer Jennifer Hills (Butler) takes a retreat from the city to a charming cabin in the woods to start on her next book. I Spit on Your Grave (2010) 1 hr 48 min R Horror A woman who is brutally raped and assaulted, survives and takes the law into her own hands by seeking revenge against her attackers, in this remake of the cult classic. There was no way the ratings board would let these scenes go without significant cuts. We are talking major violence here folks.

Her revenge scenes go way beyond the pale & way beyond what the comeupances for the rapists in the original were. What I want to end this review on is why I feel the film is being released unrated. I have told you way too much of the story already. But as most screenwriters & directors will tell you: If what was supposed to happen actually happened, we wouldn’t have a movie would we? She should’ve died of exposure soon afterwards. Hell…she couldn’t even hold her breath that long after jumping into what I assume was a cold river completely naked. But come on now…she could not have done what she did after jumping off of that bridge. So audiences forget about the scenes that didn’t make sense earlier. These scenes are usually forgtten about because there’s usually a big payoff directly afterwards. I know that movies like this one live & die on scenes that don’t add up. Where did that sucker come from? Plot holes people…plot holes.

She even ends up with a Black Corvette in the most graphic revenge scene. But the script doesn’t tell us any more than that. Where has she been? Where did she get clothing from? She does make a reference to what she had to eat to survive in the woods while planning her revenge (rats apparently). But after some time goes by she starts making her prescence known to her attackers.

It didn’t make sense then & it still doesn’t but her attackers in the original just leave her be after the atrocities put upon her. In the original the victim was left alone to go back to her cabin in the woods. This is a good remake! I'm surprised it doesn't come up more on reddit.Here is where the film gets shaky. I had seen the original a long time ago, and remember it being good. And the final scene with Matthew waking up-holy shit. The sodomy scene with the gun was intense! Very cathartic. 5 Videos 99+ Photos Horror Thriller A writer who is brutalized during her cabin retreat seeks revenge on her attackers, who left her for dead. That was awesome, considering he was the alpha male of the group.